15-18 june 2010, Moscow, Physics Department, Lomonsov Moscow State University        



The conference location is Moscow, Leninskie Gory, Lomonosov Moscow State University, house 1, building 35..

Accommodation information

Dear participants, unfortunately, the organizing committee is not able to book rooms in the MSU dormitory. If you need accommodation in Moscow, you can book apartments using the following information

Web sites with information about hotels in Moscow:

Hotels near Moscow State University:

  • Hotel Universitetskaya: 119192, Moscow, Michurinsky avenue d.8/29, tel. (495) 504-12-12
  • Hotel Souz: 119330, Moscow, University prospect, 12, tel. (495) 147-60-04, 147-73-04, 147-73-02, 247-62-77
  • Hotel Sputnik: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospect, 38, next to the metro Leninsky Prospekt, Tel. (495) 504-12-12
  • Hotel Comet: 119454, Moscow, Prospect Vernadskogo, 16, tel. (495) 431-29-87, 783-68-02, 431-39-02

© PROGRESS AND TRENDS IN BIONANOSCOPY  |  15-18 june 2010, Moscow, Physics Department, Lomonsov Moscow State University